Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer


Identity literally means ‘repeated beingness’. So, by identifying who you are and what you do when you’re at your best, and then repeatedly being that version of you, well quite simply, that is who you BECOME.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

the ‘woop’ process

Know that whatever dreams you may have will only remain dreams unless you TAKE ACTION. If you create a plan to actually achieve whatever you set out to do, and then TAKE ACTION on a daily basis, your likelihood of getting the job done will be MUCH greater. So, what is her 4-step “WOOP” process and how can you use it to turn your dreams into a reality? Check it out in today’s blog!

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

BFS: body language, focus, self-talk

It’s called Major League Mindset for a reason! Believing in yourself, envisioning your success, and focusing on EXECUTION are all core concepts of the Major League Mindset program. With that being said, today let’s talk about building self-awareness around three things that are 100% in your control and can give you the best chance for success in a repeatable and sustainable way.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

Major league sleeping: three tips to out sleep the competition

We’re coming back to one of my favorite topics at Major League Mindset - SLEEP. If you’re a serious athlete looking to unlock your true potential, you probably spend a lot of time working on your mechanics, increasing your strength and stamina, and upping your mental and nutrition games as well. When it comes to sleep though, many are not approaching it like the true competitive edge it can be.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

post-game reflection

Post-Game reflection is another simple, repeatable process that you can incorporate into your routine to help you identify and work on improvements, and help you celebrate the wins that you’ve had in any situation. I encourage everyone to make this part of your game day routine which will help put you on the path to sustainable success!

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer


Being able to overcome adversity and maintain a consistent, level approach regardless of the situation will set you apart and put you on the path to sustainable success. I highly recommend that you begin to practice following this flush it routine when you inevitably make a mistake in the future so that you can compete with all you’ve got, every.single.pitch.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

DO what you say you will do (DWYSYWD)

Do What You Say You Will Do. It sounds like a pretty easy concept right? In theory, it is. Before you head off and think that you’ve got this one completely covered though, it’s good to remember that like everything good that sounds simple in theory, in practice it can be much more difficult. Simple does not always mean easy.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

your biggest competition (hint: look in the mirror!)

The biggest competition that you will ever have is to become the NEXT BEST version of yourself. Start there, and focus there. Being a great teammate no matter the circumstance will aid you in being the best version of yourself on and off the field. No matter where you go in life you will have to deal with competition, but it’s how you handle it that will separate you from the rest.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

the value of being a great teammate

There is something that you should keep in mind when you think about the word *competition* though. Who exactly are you competing against? Being competitive is natural for any athlete, but you should never forget the fact that baseball (and life) is a *team* sport. How you interact with your teammates is just as important as the work you do to improve your own game.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

what to do during a blowout game

We’ve all been there. You get pumped up for game day, and within the first few innings, the game is already out of hand. At that point, it can feel as though the game is dragging on forever (especially during those hot summer days), and it can become very easy to lose focus and drift back into bad habits. You may have even thought about ways you can make the game speed up to get out of there.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer


All of us are going to experience obstacles in our lives, it’s how we internalize the process of learning that makes the difference. When you face an obstacle in your life, remember to approach it with a positive attitude and think of ways that you can overcome it. It will make you stronger in the long run! Remember these four words: FALL. LEARN. RISE…STRONGER.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

Building character to become a better athlete

Building character is the foundation for *everything* that you do as an athlete and as a person. Think about the type of person you want to be. Do you want the best thing that someone can say about you to be that you had a good batting average? People remember the way that you treat them and how you made them feel. It seems so simple, but here are four things that you can do EVERY DAY to make yourself a better player and teammate:

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

how to overcome injuries

Getting injured can be a massive setback if you allow yourself to fall into the trap of self pity. However, if you are able to flip your mindset in order to see the situation as an opportunity for improvement, you’ll be able to develop key areas that will allow you to come back stronger.

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Mindset Brandon Guyer Mindset Brandon Guyer

Habits To Keep After The Pandemic (and those you should lose)

Now that we appear to be headed towards a sense of normalcy in the summer of 2021, it’s an interesting time to look back on some of the habits that we’ve developed over the last year and a half. As with most things, there have been both positives and negatives to come out of this experience and today we’ll talk about habits developed during the pandemic that are worth keeping around after it’s over, and those that are probably worth leaving behind.

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Mindset Brandon Guyer Mindset Brandon Guyer

Social Media For Young Athletes

Whatever you do, use social media and technology to your benefit, don’t let it use you. Slowly but surely start thinking about new behaviors and habits to create that will enhance your performance on and off the field. I promise, you will be grateful for it!

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Mindset Brandon Guyer Mindset Brandon Guyer

Mental Health In Sports

If you break your arm, people will see the cast and know you have an injury. If you’re dealing with mental health issues, people aren’t able to see the pain and turmoil that you might be feeling. Think about some of the top athletes you know, whether it be a pro or simply the best player on your school team. Do you think you would really know if they were experiencing any issues?

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

Three Keys to Mental Health And Performance

There are three things that you can control that will impact your physical and mental well being: diet, exercise, and sleep. In this blog post we’ll dive deeper into how certain actions you take impact your mental performance the most.

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