be water, my friend. bruce lee’s wisdom through the lens of mlm
In Be Water, My Friend, Shannon Lee expands on her father’s timeless wisdom, offering a roadmap for navigating life’s challenges with grace and strength. Let’s explore how these ideas align with MLM’s teachings to empower athletes both on and off the field.
DWYSYWD: the integrity standard that builds champions
Ask yourself: Are you following through on the commitments you make to yourself? Are you taking action when you say you will? Are you executing the right way, or just going through the motions? If the answer isn’t a resounding yes, it’s time to level up.
MLM+: The blueprint to unlock yourself
MLM+ is here! The MLM+ app and community is filled with players, parents, and coaches who are working through the same challenges you are. They're sharing their successes, learning from setbacks, and growing stronger together.
How To Actively Benefit From Adversity: The Wisdom of Good Timber
Growth happens because of adversity, not in spite of it. The stronger the wind, the stronger the tree. The same is true for athletes: the tougher the challenge, the greater the growth. This is the essence of being anti-fragile.
Overcoming Temporary Defeat: The Champion’s Path
Here’s the truth: success doesn’t come from avoiding failure. It comes from learning how to face temporary defeat, stay in the game, and use those moments to fuel your growth. At Major League Mindset, this is one of our core teachings - how to bounce forward from setbacks with antifragility and keep moving forward.
how i ‘flipped the switch’ at baseball’s biggest convention
Hopefully the next time you have a big game, a big test, a big presentation, an important conversation, etc., you can take some of this to use this to create your very own ‘flip the switch’ routine. Know that it doesn’t guarantee any ‘result’, but it does guarantee one thing: you’ll show up at your best, ready to go do what you do best…CRUSH IT!
Your Calendar: The Truth About Your Priorities and Mindset
At Major League Mindset, we believe in intentional action, and tools like the MLM Habit Tracker make it easier to stay accountable. Your calendar isn’t just a record of your time; it’s a reflection of your values and an opportunity to grow into the best version of yourself.
giving: a powerful tool to win the mental game
Christmas is often focused on receiving—gifts, praise, success. But what if we flipped the script? What if, instead of focusing on what we can get, we asked ourselves, “What can I give?” Because here’s the secret: when you give, you gain far more in return.
The Power of Starting Your Day with Purpose
When you hit snooze and delay the day, you’re sending a message to yourself: comfort is more important than progress. You lose momentum before the day even starts. But when you decide to rise with purpose, you’re creating a small win that sets the tone for everything else.
The Power of Body Language: Lessons from My Dog Champ
Your body language sends powerful signals—not just to others, but to yourself. How you carry yourself influences how opponents perceive you, how teammates react to you, and most importantly, how you feel about yourself.
Focusing on Gratitude This Thanksgiving
A grateful athlete is also more likely to appreciate the opportunity to compete and to value the hard work and dedication required to succeed. This perspective can help them stay grounded during moments of adversity, allowing them to see setbacks as learning experiences rather than personal failures.
mlm mantra wristbands: A simple tool for powerful focus
The MLM Mantra wristband is more than a piece of gear; it’s a mental tool designed to keep athletes focused, resilient, and mentally locked in. These wristbands serve as a powerful reminder of the mantras that guide athletes to their best selves, both on and off the field.
50-Days Left in 2024. How will you spend them?
Champions don’t wait for January 1st to make changes or set goals. They understand that every day, every moment, is an opportunity to make progress. If you wait for the new year to start fresh, you’ve already lost momentum. That’s why we call them NEW DAY’S RESOLUTIONS here at MLM.
Connecting With Your Future Self: A Game-Changer for Athletes
Let’s dive into one of the most powerful tools here at Major League Mindset: connecting with your future self. This isn’t just about motivation—it’s about building a vision of who you want to become as an athlete and person and using that vision to fuel your actions every day.
the #1 currency to collect in life
In the pursuit of greatness, whether in sports or life, many of us chase after external rewards—money, fame, success—believing they will bring us lasting happiness. But what if I told you that the real key to success isn't found in these external achievements, but in something much deeper, something INTERNAL?
Dealing with Stress in Sports: Lessons from the Stoics
Stress comes with athletics and life. It’s the weight of competition, the uncertainty of outcomes, and the friction that comes with striving for greatness. But suffering doesn’t have to follow. By mastering our mindset, creating mental tools, and maintaining perspective, we can navigate stress like the Stoics did—by using it as a catalyst for growth, not as a source of suffering.
from worst to first: how i won the cubs MILB POY award in 2010
Yup, that’s me back in early 2009 at the position I played most, 1st base coach. After 200 at-bats in Double-A I was hitting a whopping .190. On days I wouldn’t start (which were most) I would take my position as 1st base coach. Pretty much rock bottom.
How Nick Won the Mets MiLB POY award
For the past couple of years I've had the pleasure of working with Nick Morabito on the mental side of the game. Just a few days ago he got named the Mets Minor League Player of the Year.
I thought it would be great to show players, parents and coaches the exact ‘process’ we came up with before the season started. He agreed and gave me the go ahead, so here it is.
Unlocking Your Potential: Efficiency Over Horsepower
Billionaire Warren Buffet, one of the most successful financial investors to walk the planet, once said: "Most people go through life using up a very, very small part of their potential. You could have a three-hundred-horsepower motor and get three hundred horsepower out of it or you can get a lot less. The people who I see function well are not the ones with the biggest 'motors,' but the ones with the most efficient ones."
The Unseen Work Behind Baseball's Brightest Stars
"The price of success is paid in private. Visible triumphs are built on invisible work." This quote (author unknown) encapsulates the essence of success, not only in life but also in the high-stakes world of Major League Baseball. It's a truth that I, as a mental strength coach who has worked with numerous baseball players, understand deeply.