“I feel blessed to say I’m a 7 year veteran of Major League Baseball. It’s something I am very proud of. Of course I would have loved to play 20+ years, but it wasn’t in the cards, and I’m at peace with that.
When I sit back and reflect on what I could have done differently, I can honestly say there’s nothing. I gave my all every single day and earned everything I was able to achieve. My scholarship to the University of Virginia, my promotions in the minor leagues, my call to the show, my role as a player in the bigs. I worked for literally everything.
Today I’m better for it. I’m grateful for the demotions and the promotions. I’m grateful for the strike outs and the home runs, for the hits I got robbed of and the ones that blooped in. I’m grateful for the losses and the wins, the struggles and the triumphs, the successes and failures. I’m grateful for the joy and the tears, and for the beginning and the end. I’m grateful for all of that because now I have the experience and knowledge to pass onto ballplayers of all ages.”