DO what you say you will do (DWYSYWD)

Do What You Say You Will Do. It sounds like a pretty easy concept right? In theory, it is. Before you head off and think that you’ve got this one completely covered though, it’s good to remember that like everything good that sounds simple in theory, in practice it can be much more difficult. Simple does not always mean easy.

So let’s talk first about why it’s so important to DWYSYWD.

1. Hitting Your Targets (goal setting)

As many of you know, target setting (and hitting those targets) is a big part of the Major League Mindset philosophy. If you actually want to achieve those things you set out for on and off the field, and continue to grow and strengthen yourself and your game, then you’ll actually have to execute on the actions steps that you’ve set forth for yourself, especially when you don't "feel" like it.

Target setting is absolutely critical in the process because it sets the stage for you to make specific improvements. Those improvements don’t come from the baseball fairy or from wishes, ultimately it comes down to you executing your protocol and consistently showing up to put the work in.

Another important aspect of Doing What You Say You Will Do is beginning to understand what is and what is not reasonable to expect from yourself in a given situation. It’s always important to aim high, but readers of this newsletter know how important it is to set targets that are specific, time bound, and achievable so that you’ll actually have a chance of making those incremental gains that add up to hitting your targets over time.

If you’re constantly setting targets that you have no chance of accomplishing (such as expecting too large an improvement in too short of a time window), you may begin to get discouraged with your game and yourself, and start to regress.

Don’t beat yourself up if you miss on targets occasionally, but *always* put in the effort to achieve them no matter what. You’ll improve on your target setting ability and your execution by DWYSYWD over time. Consistent commitment to do what you set out to do (whether you feel like it or not!) and putting in the work is a huge piece of the puzzle.

2. Trust from others

Being a great teammate is another important pillar of the Major League Mindset program. One of the best ways to be a great teammate is to develop trust with both them and your coaches with your actions. How do you build trust with others? DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL DO!

Setting an example for the rest of the team and having a great attitude go a long way in making yourself someone that your teammates and coaches want to be around. Trust is built over time and it’s easy to break, so make sure that you’re consistently delivering on your word to your teammates and coaches. If your coaches and teammates trust you, you’re going to get the benefit of the doubt and sometimes that little extra is all that it takes to make a difference.

3. Trust from yourself

Related to the first two sections, make sure that you keep your word with yourself as this will lead to an increase in confidence. Did you know the root meaning of confidence is INTENSE TRUST? How do you build trust with yourself? DO WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO! If you’re able to put yourself into a habit and routine of DWYSYWD, whether you "feel" like it or not, you’ll gain greater confidence that you can draw on when things get rough.

This will also allow you to trust the process when self-doubt might start to creep in. If you *know* you are the kind of person who shows up and does the hard/mundane regardless if you "feel" like it or not, then the sky is truly the limit.

So there you have it, DWYSYWD. Use that phrase as fuel to accomplish anything in life. Be a great teammate that others can trust. Just know that trust is earned, not given. You consistently DWYSYWD is key to developing that trust and developing a Major League Mindset. So keep it up, get a little better every day and most importantly earn the trust in yourself so that you can take your confidence to a whole new level.




your biggest competition (hint: look in the mirror!)