major league mindset Blog

Mindset Brandon Guyer Mindset Brandon Guyer

Habits To Keep After The Pandemic (and those you should lose)

Now that we appear to be headed towards a sense of normalcy in the summer of 2021, it’s an interesting time to look back on some of the habits that we’ve developed over the last year and a half. As with most things, there have been both positives and negatives to come out of this experience and today we’ll talk about habits developed during the pandemic that are worth keeping around after it’s over, and those that are probably worth leaving behind.

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Mindset Brandon Guyer Mindset Brandon Guyer

Social Media For Young Athletes

Whatever you do, use social media and technology to your benefit, don’t let it use you. Slowly but surely start thinking about new behaviors and habits to create that will enhance your performance on and off the field. I promise, you will be grateful for it!

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Mindset Brandon Guyer Mindset Brandon Guyer

Mental Health In Sports

If you break your arm, people will see the cast and know you have an injury. If you’re dealing with mental health issues, people aren’t able to see the pain and turmoil that you might be feeling. Think about some of the top athletes you know, whether it be a pro or simply the best player on your school team. Do you think you would really know if they were experiencing any issues?

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