Overcoming (and getting stronger from!) Adversity

Regardless of what level you play at, you’ve undoubtedly already had to deal with adversity, whether it be ON the field or OFF. It’s just a natural part of athletics and LIFE. Trying to avoid adversity or hide from it just isn’t an option if you’re an athlete who’s truly on a journey towards catching excellence.

Ok, so it’s unavoidable…now what? Well, being that we can’t (and shouldn’t!) avoid adversity, we better learn how to deal with it in such a way that we grow from it. Better yet, think of adversity as a tool and think of any struggle or challenge you may have as a great gift from the universe.

Doing so will help you gain an edge by developing a WIN OR LEARN mentality that will allow you to understand your failures and use them as fuel for your growth. The more challenges you have to face means that you’ll have more opportunities (and fuel) to learn and get better.

A lot of what we cover in MLM is about developing a process to help you have a healthy relationship with adversity. Of course, there is a certain amount of fear that will always be there…it can be scary, or stressful, or both. It truly comes down to having the courage to act in the presence of that fear. By making this important mindset shift you’ll be able to see these situations not as obstacles, but as opportunities to get better.

Here are a few tips to start you down the path to overcoming adversity and cultivating a WIN OR LEARN mindset. We go over all of these points in more detail during the 8-week MLM program, but this overview should be a great start for newcomers or a refresher for those who have been with us for a while.

Here are some tips for handling adversity and getting back on track:

  1. Embrace the Challenge: Don't shy away from adversity, instead accept it and approach it as an opportunity to grow and become a better overall athlete and person.

  2. Stay Positive: Keep a positive attitude and put all of your energy and focus on what you CAN control…Control the Controllables. Negativity only slows you down.

  3. Keep Moving Forward: Progress isn’t a straight line. There are always going to be ups and downs along the way, so make sure to not let yourself get too high or too low. Remember that no matter what happens, focus on the process (the action steps you take to get closer to your goal that are 100% in your control).

  4. Learn from Mistakes: Analyze what went wrong and find ways to use them as fuel for your growth. Every single human being (athlete or not) makes mistakes, so don’t be hard on yourself. Striving to become the best version of yourself means you can look objectively at tough times and find out ways to get better from them. 

  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Surround yourself with positive people who support you, empower you and encourage you to keep pushing forward. None of us can reach our peaks alone, and having this positive support is so important to help show you the path and lift you up in tough times. Seek these types of people out whenever you can.

  6. Practice Gratitude: Take time to be grateful and appreciative for all of the blessings in your life, both big and small. By doing so you’ll shift your perspective, and all of the sudden start seeing yourself and the world around you in a more powerful, and positive light.

Remember, adversity is not a setback, it's a stepping stone. Struggles, failures and mistakes are bends in the road, not the end of the road. Step out of your comfort zone more and more, approach adversity, and look at it like the true advantage that it is!




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