Baseball is in the air! With spring training kicking off for Major League teams, it’s officially baseball season. 

It is an undeniable fact that for you to show up as the best, most confident player you can be, how you practice will be a huge part of that. As you’re ramping up for your season, think about how *you* go about attacking practice. 

When you imagine the new season in your head, you’re probably thinking about hitting a home run in a big game, making a big play on defense in a big moment, or striking out a batter with the game on the line. Odds are, the first thing that came to mind wasn’t practice, which is what will actually lead to those moments you visualize.

If your plan is to show up and go through the motions, so you can get to the games, you’re doing yourself and your team a disservice. Know that you can either GO through the motions, or GROW through the motions.

Practice time is extremely valuable for putting yourself in the best position once you get on the field. So it’s important to focus on how you can use that time to maximize the value of your practice. At Major League Mindset, this is called Purposeful Practice.

Think of Purposeful Practice as a way of holding yourself accountable for achieving your goal of being the best ballplayer that you can be. By following the Purposeful Practice framework, you’ll ensure that you’re making the most of your practice time and creating a sustainable and repeatable process for success.

Here are the four steps of Purposeful Practice:

  1. MISSION: Go to practice on a mission and set specific goals for what you want to work on and accomplish that day. By having a specific goal in mind, you can focus your attention at practice on achieving it.

  2. FOCUS: During practice, eliminate distractions and focus on the task at hand. Any distractions have the potential to decrease your ability to focus intensely, so it’s important to stay locked in. Stay present and engaged, giving 100% effort on each repetition.

  3. EXIT YOUR COMFORT ZONE: Challenge yourself by pushing beyond your comfort zone, as this is the only way to truly grow. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or fail (WIN or LEARN style), as it's all part of the learning process. By stepping outside of your comfort zone, you will get comfortable being uncomfortable, and will develop new skills quicker.

  4. REFLECT: After each session (practice and games), take time to reflect. Analyze what went well, what could have been done better and what adjustments you’ll make next time. That way everything will turn into fuel for your growth!

Remember, Purposeful Practice is the key to improving your game. By setting your mission, practicing with intention, exiting your comfort zone, and reflecting on your performance, you will take your game to a whole new level. Be ON purpose, WITH purpose!


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