Major league sleep: sleep your way to success

We’re starting out the new year with some classics here at Major League Mindset. The first newsletter of the year we talked about the power of harnessing your breath in order to feel more relaxed and in control at all times.

Today we’ll handle another favorite that you Major League Mindset veterans should be familiar with, THE POWER OF SLEEP and how it can not only drastically improve the way you feel, but also give you an edge on the competition. Regardless of where you are on your athletic journey, getting enough quality sleep is crucial for both your performance and recovery.

Studies have shown that athletes who sleep 7-10 hours a night have increased energy levels, improved focus, and better reaction times compared to those who don’t get enough sleep. Sleep also helps with muscle recovery, as growth hormone is released during deep sleep cycles, which helps repair and rebuild muscle tissue. 

If you haven’t been prioritizing sleep up to this point in your career, I highly recommend you start doing so and shoot for the higher end of the 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Of course everyone has different schedules (especially in season), but experiment with your routine and find out how you can truly optimize your sleep. I call it the #1 performance enhancer for a reason, because you WILL 100% feel more energized, positive, focused, and have a better overall sense of well-being.

On the other hand, lack of sleep can have the opposite effect and can lead to decreased performance, increased risk of injury, and a weaker immune system. Not getting enough sleep can also negatively impact decision making and increase the likelihood of losing focus and making mistakes on the field.

The choice is yours: Do you want to feel rested and energized, or lethargic and lacking concentration? Do you want to stack the odds in your favor and put yourself in the best position to succeed, or do you want to let things happen by chance? Should be an easy one to answer right?!?

So, what can you do to improve your sleep as an athlete? Here are some tips:

  1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

  2. Create a sleep-friendly environment: Keep your room dark, quiet, and cool to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

  3. Avoid screens 30-60 minutes before bedtime: The blue light from electronic devices can disrupt your sleep and make it harder to fall asleep, while also leading to less ‘quality’ sleep.

  4. Practice relaxation techniques: Try breathwork and/or meditation (great time to practice your breathing technique!) to help you unwind and prepare for sleep.

  5. Be in bed in bed 7-10 hours: Try to give yourself at least thirty minutes but preferably up to an hour on top of your sleep time in order to make sure you’ll have enough “true” sleep time.

  6. Limit caffeine and alcohol: Both of these can interfere with sleep and should be consumed in moderation (if of age), especially before bedtime.

Remember, sleep is just as important as your training and nutrition for achieving optimal athletic performance. You could argue that it is the foundation upon which everything else rests on. So, make your sleep a priority and give your body the rest it needs to perform at its best on a consistent basis.


Overcoming (and getting stronger from!) Adversity


the power of your breath