the power of your breath

It’s about that time again to talk about one of the most important tools that you can add to your toolbox in 2023 - your breath or what I like to call a ‘Big League Breath’. If you know anything about Major League Mindset, you know that using your breath as an ally is something that I consider to be universal advice for athletes of all ages.

It’s a ‘Magic Pill’ that will increase your focus and concentration, decrease stress and anxiety, help you reset, and gain self-control so that you can go from a highly emotional, frustrated state, to a grounded, present, calm confidence state.

Utilizing the power of the breath is a tool that all athletes should master, but MANY take for granted. It’s the MVP of the MLM program for a reason! It’s THAT powerful.

Top athletes find ways to SLOW THE GAME AND THEIR MIND DOWN by utilizing the power of their breath. So, when you’re in the batter's box, stressing out over a test, or any other situation where you might find your mind racing and you feel as if you might be losing a bit of control, take a slow, deep meaningful breath.

Inhale slowly, quietly, and gently in through your nose, down into your belly (diaphragm). Then exhale slowly, quietly, and gently out through your nose (optimal) or mouth. Be sure to finish your breath and exhale completely! By simply having awareness of your breath, you will change how you respond both mentally and physically.

Another great breathing technique to utilize is Box Breathing, as it will slow down your breathing, calm your nervous system, and decrease stress in your body. I mean who wouldn't want that?! In your head imagine the shape of a box and then…

  1. Inhale for 3-5 seconds

  2. Hold for 3-5 seconds

  3. Exhale for 3-5 seconds

  4. Hold 3-5 seconds

*Repeat as needed

Use the simple guide above to test out your own strategies on how you can use your breath to put you in the right mindset for success. Experiment with what works best for you, and I guarantee you’ll find the stress melting away in key situations that will allow you to focus and be at your best! 

If you’re looking for a simple way to improve your performance in 2023, there is no better way than to harness the power of your breath! Completing 5-10 of these Box Breathing cycles (or just simply taking a few Big League Breaths) will work wonders as you’ll quiet your mind and get back to the present-moment so that you can focus all of your attention on what’s truly MOST IMPORTANT NOW.


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