Fully Equipped Athlete Recovery Routine

So you’ve done all of your prep work and had an amazing game! Now what? Even if you’re already applying many of the other tools, most people don’t think about what they can do *after* a game to optimize their performance. I’ll be honest, when I was younger, I had no idea! Part of being a top athlete is consistency, and being able to perform at your peak during the course of a full season is even more important than having one great game.

I was always interested in fitness and like most athletes knew that gaining a physical edge was important in helping to advance my career from high school all the way into the major leagues. As I mentioned, one of the things that I didn't come to understand until later in my career though was the importance of proper recovery and the critical part that it plays in helping you stay on the field and in top shape. As I got older, making sure that I was feeling fresh over the grueling 162 game schedule (plus playoffs!) was a constant challenge, but with the help of team staff I was able to develop a number of techniques that helped me stay sharp day in and day out. 

If you learn proper recovery techniques as a young athlete, you’ll be way ahead of the game in terms of keeping yourself fresh and performing at your peak every time. That way, you’ll know you’re doing everything you need to do to avoid injury and can focus your efforts on improving tools to elevate your game even further!

Below is a sample recovery routine that I would go through after each game during the season:

Cool Down

I dedicate an entire chapter of The Fully Equipped Playbook going through proper breathing techniques, but to begin my cooldown I would spend a few minutes focusing on using controlled breathing and lowering my heart rate. This is important to send a signal to the body that it's time to begin in the recovery process.


If I was on the road or didn't have time at the field following a game, I would stretch at home or at the hotel room. My goal was to jump start the recovery process and keep my body feeling loose. I would do a quick 10 minute total body stretch, especially the tight or sore muscles. Be sure to breathe properly so your muscles get the oxygen they crave. I also love to add in a quick foam rolling and/or PSO-RITE session to aid in muscle recovery. The PSO-RITE is a great massage tool for the hard to reach muscles, but more importantly for releasing the psoas muscle (a muscle deep down in the core), which many say is the most important muscle in the body.

When I was just starting out as a baseball player, I would have never imagined that my recovery routine would become so involved! I can say without a doubt that it was a big part of the reason why I was able to enjoy a long career in the major leagues. 

As part of the recovery process, the PSO-RITE was instrumental for me in aiding my recovery, and helping my muscles feel fresh and relaxed as I worked through the rigors of a lengthy baseball season. It's portable, easy to use, and best of all, it works! Among my teammates I was known to try anything in order to gain an edge, and I was often asked for tips on the recovery process. This is a product that I've recommended to fellow big leagues, to young athletes that I work with on their own journey, and to anyone who is looking for a massage like experience anywhere, any time. By the way, I did a review on Youtube, you can check it out here.


Protein Shake

I would pair a protein powder with various fruits such as bananas, apples, blueberries, etc in order to help replenish glycogen levels, and decrease protein breakdown. 

If you follow me on Instagram @fullyequippedatlete then you may have seen my favorite, what I like to call “The Fully Equipped Shake”

This has been my go-to post workout shake for a loooong time now. A solid mix of protein, carbs and fat....

-scoop of Onnit whey protein

-scoop of Onnit glutamine

-1 tbsp. of Onnit fatbutter

-packet of Athletic Greens

-packet of Liquid IV

-1/2 cup frozen blueberries

-2/3 avg. size banana

Hot Cold Therapy 

If I was experiencing muscle pain or my body was drained, I would spend up to 20 minutes alternating between hot and cold treatment in order to stimulate the recovery process.


Recovery is not possible without hydration, and I always made sure that I was drinking enough water and electrolytes daily. Water is great, but I also recommend Liquid IV for the electrolytes, or really anything that helps replenish your fluids without a massive sugar intake. 


Getting enough sleep is one of the most important aspects of a recovery routine, and making sure that you're taking the steps to give your body enough time to regenerate during your sleep is critical for maintaining performance over the long term. 

If you want to know more about all the ways sleep can impact performance and longevity of athletes, you can check out our blog here.

Also, I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Chris Winter, MD who is a sleep expert and has led numerous studies on how sleep impacts athletes. You can check out a recording of our live webinar here. I also recommend his book, “The Sleep Solution

There are many things that an athlete needs to do in order to perform at their peak, but the great athletes are the one who can consistently perform at a high level. Learning how to use recovery to your advantage will give you an edge over the competition and ensure that you’re feeling refreshed by the time you step on the field again. If you want to know more about how you can use recovery to elevate your game, you can check it out in Chapter 4 of the Fully Equipped Playbook.

Don’t forget, you can also schedule a one on one session where we can work together to build a personalized recovery solution that will have you feeling great and able to maintain your top performance over a long season. Let’s do it!


Hydrate For Success


Don’t Sleep On The Power Of Sleep For Athletes