GET your free MINI COOKBOOK now!


Deciding what to eat and when to eat can be overwhelming. I was once that person who struggled to put together a well balanced and tasty meal. Sure, I knew it was important to eat healthy, but I had no idea how important my eating habits were to maintaining peak performance. I started to figure it out as I progressed in my career. My body was demanding clean fuel, and I had to go all-in to find the best options available.

The great thing is, I love learning about food and nutrition, and I am here to make meal planning EASY for you! That’s why I wanted to share this free mini cookbook to show you just how easy it is to prepare super simple and super healthy meals!

The 5 meals in the Eat Like A Pro mini cookbook are my personal favorites. The best part of this cookbook is that you can switch out the different options to create your own favorites. Maybe switch out a lean protein (grass-fed burger) for another lean protein (chicken), or a starch (sweet potato) for another starch (brown rice pasta).

The options are endless! Enjoy!

Brandon - Your Certified Sports Nutritionist

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