The holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on the year and think about all of the things that you have to be grateful for in your life. While the Thanksgiving leftovers are gone from the fridge by now, there is still time to practice one of the important Major League Mindset Behaviors - an Attitude of Gratitude.

When you’re on the journey towards greatness and the best version of yourself (on and off the field), there without a doubt are going to be setbacks and hardships along the way. One way to help you keep a positive perspective is to SEE, APPRECIATE and CELEBRATE everything, every day. To take things AS GRANTED, not FOR GRANTED. If you feel inspired, consider the following…


  • Think about the things that you have in your life *right now* that make you happy. This can be anything, big or small. Blessings, gifts, *struggles*, etc.

  • Think about the people in your life who make you better and have a positive impact on you. This can be family, friends, coaches, teachers, or anyone that is actively helping you in your life to get better


  • In the last year, what are some of your big and small wins, and things that you’ve accomplished that you can be proud of? This includes any accomplishments ON and OFF the field.

  • For those goals that you’ve been able to hit (and even those you didn’t quite get to), think about all the folks that help you on the road to achieving them

    • I bet there are people that have been able to share in a big accomplishment that would love to hear how important it was for them to be a part of it! Think about what it feels like to have someone thank you for helping them along the way. Pretty great right? Pass it on!


  • Think about the opportunities that may come your way in the upcoming year. Just recognizing that there are always new ways to get better will help put you back into a GROWTH mindset for the year ahead.

  • Think about an opportunity that you may have missed out on

    • Whether it was because of fear, the timing was wrong, or whatever other reason. You might find yourself dwelling on these lost opportunities. Here’s the thing, nobody is going to be able to have a 100% success rate, so remember that you’re going to have the chance for new and better opportunities in the new year.

There can and will be challenging times when you’re working towards becoming the best version of yourself. After all it does take a serious amount of effort, commitment and persistence.

When facing adversity, it’s important not to miss the forest for the trees. Taking a step back to cultivate an attitude of gratitude by appreciating all that you have in your life is a POWERFUL process. By grounding yourself with gratitude, you will have the strength to continue on to greater and greater heights!


major league new year


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