2023: Step into the batter's box of self-reflection

As we wrap up 2023, let's look back at what we achieved using our Major League Mindset. Think about times when you did well, and also about areas where you can improve for next year.

Sleep: The Unsung Hero

Getting good sleep isn't just about feeling rested. It's like charging up our superpowers. Remember the nights you made sleep a priority and how it made a difference. 

Also remember: A great day today started the night before. Ask yourself “Would I rather be entertained and sacrifice sleep OR would I rather be actualized and become the absolute best version of me?” The answer to that question will help you make better decisions throughout the day.

Breathing: Our Secret Weapon

There’s a reason I call a ‘Deep Meaningful Big League Breath’ the MVP of the MLM program. It's not just about breathing though, it's about bouncing back.

Think about moments when a good breath turned a tough situation into a chance to shine. In 2024, let's continue to have awareness and control of our breath, as we use it as a reset button when things get tough.

Gratitude: Our Super Fuel

Having an Attitude of Gratitude is like a superpower. It leads to us showing up with a different energy about us, completely changes our perspective on life and leads to failures/adversity not affecting us nearly as much. 

When we take time every day to appreciate all the good in our life, that good appreciates and we get more of it. Sadly, when we don’t do that and we take things for granted, the good in our life then depreciates. How can you practice gratitude every day? I promise, it is true game and life changer.

Routines: Consistency is Key

Our daily routines weren't just habits, they were the things that made us consistent. Whether it was a routine before a game or during a game, or something we did every day, these routines helped us stay on track.

Consider what routines worked well and what might need a little adjustment for next year. Let's fine-tune our routines for even better consistency ON and OFF the field.

Goal Setting: Your Roadmap

Now, let's think about goals. What did you achieve? Where did you fall short? Every success shows how important it is to have clear goals. And if there's something you didn't do well, that's not a failure—it's a stepping stone to become a better version of yourself.

As we set goals for 2024, let's make them even clearer, making sure each goal is getting us closer to where we want to go and who we want to become.

Looking Ahead to 2024:

I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions. Instead, as many MLM players know, I much rather prefer New Day’s Resolutions. Why re-commit once a year and set goals for the year, when we can re-commit every single day and have micro goals to hit every single day.

As we enter 2024, let's not just make resolutions; let's plan for greatness. Our Major League Mindset has brought us far, and there's more to come. Together, lets keep striving for excellence (ARETÉ), approaching challenges, and becoming our best selves, as we help others do the same.


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